Monday, March 11, 2013

Cogs v1.1.20 full apk AnDrOiD

Cogs v1.1.20 full apk download android app

Cogs is a ground-breaking puzzle game where players build increasingly complex machines using sliding tiles in 2D and 3D environments. It comes with 50 puzzles and three gameplay modes for a total of 150 unique challenges, totalling more than 10 hours of mind-bending gameplay. This award-winning game is perfect for puzzle fans of any age and ability!

***If you receive a "graphics format unsupported" error, please email us! If you are using Chainfire3D, please set it to support PVR or uninstall it to play Cogs***

Judul: Cogs v1.1.20 full apk AnDrOiD
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
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